100-Car Pileup On I-94 In Michigan Leaves One Dead
A 100-car pileup on I-94 in western Michigan as a result of sustained whiteout blizzard conditions left one person dead and closed down an 11-mile section of the freeway for hours.
Eye witnesses and those involved said the crash was virtually inevitable, given the relentless blizzard conditions, 70 vehicles ended up wrecked on the freeway with another 30 on the side of the road in the ditch. Aside from the one fatality, 31-year-old Raymond Candage III of Elgin, IL, who died when his car hit a stopped semi, no other serious injuries were reported by police. Given holiday travel is about to spike, this should be a reminder to everyone to slow down on the winter roads. Grandma's holiday ham will still be there if you're a little late. [WSBT]